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2023 Clarington Business Retention & Expansion Report

The economic well-being of the Clarington community is directly impacted by the successes and challenges facing Clarington’s business community. The Clarington Board of Trade (CBOT), in cooperation with the Municipality of Clarington, created an opportunity for businesses in Clarington to directly provide feedback and voice their needs and ideas through a confidential survey. CBOT has released the 2023 Clarington Business Retention & Expansion Report that highlights data collected during 2023, reflecting feedback from the business community on doing business in Clarington. The information collected through the Business Retention & Expansion survey is vital to help inform decisions, programming and support and creating positive and lasting benefits in the community and economy. Click here to access the press release. 



 The Clarington multi-sector Business Retention & Expansion (BR+E) Project is an action-oriented community-based project using the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) BR+E tools to identify the business climate in the Municipality of Clarington. The project was executed under the leadership of the Clarington Board of Trade and several volunteers, with support provided by OMAFRA and the Municipality of Clarington. BR+E projects are designed to open a two-way channel of communication with local businesses. Through the business visitation process, BR+E teams connect with business owners in the community to identify issues, concerns, and opportunities. The goal of the BR+E program is to enhance the business environment by identifying and reducing challenges to economic growth and job retention.

2023 Clarington BR+E Report

BR+E Business Community Snapshot

BR+E Sector Snapshot

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the 2023 BR+E Report:

Bonnie Wrightman
Sheila Hall
Rhonda Armour
Erika Mask
Alyssa Crittenden
Reon Kent

Paul Halliday
Ron Hooper
Kevin Ferguson
Peter Hobb
Brittany Ewasyn
Carloyn Puterbough
Anuraj Gill
Sarah Parish
Ron Collis
Adam Jeronimo